Sunday, March 4, 2018

Solderless Breadboards, Open-circuits and Short-circuits


The goal of this lab is to give an introduction to equipment that will be utilized often for this class. The two main devices will be breadboards and digital multimeters(DMMs). For now, we will simply use the DMM to examine which connections are open and which ones are shorts on the breadboard. 

1. For the first configuration, we simply put two jumpers in the saw row on the same side. We measured 0.4 ohms. This what we expected to see as any nodes on the same row should be electrical connected thus making this a short circuit. 

2. For the next circuit, the jumpers were put in the same row, but this time with the channel between them. We see that this makes an open circuit as the meter is reading infinite resistance.

3. With the following circuit, again infinite resistance is measured. This is because not only are the jumpers on opposite sides of the channel, but they're in different rows as well. 

4. On the final circuit, the same setup is used from the previous one but this time a third jumper is put to connect the two separate nodes. As expected, the DMM now reads 0.7, minimal, ohms as this is a short circuit.